Your Future is Within REACH

5 to 1 Student : Teacher Ratio

Smaller class sizes for core subjects allow our teachers to build relationships with students, and offer individualized support.

#31 on Oregon Business's 100 Best Nonprofits to Work For

Teachers love our students, the flexibility of our work hours, their autonomy, and opportunities to express ideas.

93% Students on track to Graduate

with an additional 93% graduation rate in the 2022-2023 school year

90% Student Participation in Early College Program

With access to dual credits, students are on track to not only graduate with their high school diploma, but also with college hours.

Student Testimonials

"I would say you should check REACH out because it helps you make new friends if you don't have any friends. People are nice here and they become your friends."
"There are just such great opportunities here. The teachers here actually care about how good I'm doing, and try to help me make it better. They're really kind, and I have tons of new friends.
"At REACH, the teachers are there to help advisory teacher and I meet once a week and she goes over my grades, what I need to work, and there's a tutoring system. There's a lot of support here for school, and in general. This school has changed by academic life."
Student wearing yellow scarf
“I love the community, and they’re very supporting. Everyone gets along with each other - it’s a lovely community! I love that the teachers support you, no matter what you do…the teachers actually care about you, and your opinions.”
Student wearing hood and yellow scarf
“My favorite thing is probably all my friends here...Before I came to REACH, I was bullied a lot…I came to REACH and met friends here. They’re more like your family than your friends! I will say that REACH is a great opportunity."
student wearing jacket and scarf
“I think REACH would be a good school for you, especially if you like kids and making new friends because there’s always new people to be friends with here, and all the teachers are great! My teacher, Ms. Ferris, she’s really nice and she never gets mad. She always is really kind about everything.”
Your Future is within reach